Season One is the first season of The Science Fiction audio drama series The Sojourn. It premiered on August 1st, 2020 and concluded August 12th, 2023. The season was split into four, three-episode volumes of approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes runtime each. Final runtime measured 7 hours and 44 minutes.
Adrift in the divide between galaxies and surrounded by the vast emptiness of the intergalactic void, the Tantalus Cluster is the only home humanity has ever known.
After centuries of reckless colonisation and a violent interstellar war, the delicate ecosystem of Tantalus has begun to collapse, and humanity is gripped by poverty and famine.
Desperate and facing extinction, humanity’s only hope is a strange nebula that has suddenly appeared beyond the edge of the cluster. It’s shifting clouds may hide a source of salvation for the people of Tantalus, but time is running out.
- Larissa Thompson as Captain Cassandra Farren
- Emily Serdahl as Director Elizabeth Ancelet
- Ben Prendergast as Mathias Croft
- Laura Faye Smith as Tamara 'Meds' Melari
- Stephen Trafford as Inquistor Castian Vadric
- Matthew Kaufman as Lieutenant Jasper Ravi
- Tim Parker as Lord Cardinal Hastus Arvannis
- Lelia Symington as Empress Valendra the Sixth
- Aaron Jones as Revion Jedrish Carradin
- Amy Kay as Cindra Tacira
- Marta Da Silva as High Cleric Darcelia Lantris
- Tarek Esaw as Midshipman Arin Bankole
- Matt Surges as Commander Lewis Harper
- Ryan Philbrook as Private Paul Dalcop
- Tori Danner as Captain Tamika Jinn
- Jimmy Lockett as Vice Admiral Winston Redfield
- Pam Kearns as Bridget Volkova
- Kennedy Phillips as Foreman Richard Sedgewick
- Martin Roach as Captain Omar Maalsuwda